
Publication date: November 3rd, 2009
Hardcover: 88 pages
Publisher: powerHouse Books
ISBN-10: 1576875180
ISBN-13: 978-1576875186



powerHouse Books, 2009

Twirl/Run, the second powerHouse artist's book by Jeff Mermelstein, is a surprising combination of two extensive bodies of work--women twirling their hair and people on the run--whose dissonance creates a new way of observing our prevailing anxiety and sense of disorder.

With accompanying text by Robin Hemley.


Reviews for Twirl/Run

"From Helen Levitt to Garry Winogrand to Philip-Lorca diCorcia, the tradition of New York street photography has attracted the medium's best and brightest. It takes nerve to join their ranks these days, and Mermelstein has plenty of it. Working in color, he's made some of the slyest, funniest street pictures of the past twenty-five years...."

— Vince AlettiThe New Yorker